Photos III
Solo Aussie

Spain 101

Morocco 101

Morocco 102 and Spain 102

Miss Canada

More photos of the beautiful Morocco, plus photos from my return to Spain.
Morocco: 26th July 2003 to 5th August 2003
Spain: 6th August 2003 to 21st August 2003

Chefchaouen Alleyway

This is one of the alleyways in Chefchaoeun. All building a typically white, however the ones that are on alleyways which are dead-ends are painted blue. Its a great idea to avoid getting lost in a maze, plus it looks awesome too.

Todra Gorge
This is the beautiful Todra Gorge, and also Carlos - an Aussie guy i met. He was a character, very loud and outgoing (he had acting experience!!). It made for some funny nights out. The gorge itself was amasing and Matt and I (not shown here) hiked for about 4 hrs total in the blistering sun, but the views of the Atlas mountians from the top were something i will never forget.
Hussain II Mosque - Casablanca
The only mosque in Morocco open to non-muslims. It was a truely amasing piece of engineering work. Completed in 1993, it was massive and had all the modern cons such as an electric roof that opens to the sky. I suggested they could move the Hopman Cup there. Muslims don't laugh much, or understand stupid Aussies.
Bullfighting - Spain
This is a typical bullfight in Spain. The man on the horse is there to weaken the bull (by lancing it)if it appears to be too strong for the matador. Sounds like cheating to me!
Three Sexy Aussies and One Random Spainish Guy
Carlos, Me and Tim are the incredibly sexy Australian contingent at this highly popular (and expensive) Spainish nighclub in Madrid. It was outdoors and had a very impressive decor. The eye-candy walking around here was equally as impressive, but i am sure they would be high maintenance.
Royal Palace in Madrid, Spain
A view of the Royal Palace in Madrid at sunset. Very gorgeous complex with an equally impressive interior.
The Boyz in Madrid
Tim, Carlos and Steve and the Arc d'Triomph fountain in Madrid city centre. I am wearing my very impressive white pants which are all the rage in Europe. I am incredibly sexy right now. Carlos and Tim are also horn bags, and Carlos with his fluent Spanish, is a great addition to the team when trying it on with Spanish chicks.






Sorry that there is no more....the cost of film developing became very expensive once i left Spain....but i will be home soon!!! Got time for a few beers?