Solo Aussie

Spain 101

Morocco 101

Morocco 102 and Spain 102

Miss Canada


These photos are from Stevos adventures in Spain, from some of the wildest parties, to runnings from the bulls, to beautiful beaches....
Stevos adventures took him to Spain, where he drank Sangria, danced till dawn, and siesta-ed the days away, all in search of the greatest party of all!!

The opening ceremony for San Fermin in Pamplona. This is in the town square outside the town hall. When the mayor lauched the rocket to begin the festival, everyones holds up thier bandanas like so and then place them around thier necks. It is quite possible the most awesome sight i have ever seen.

The end of the bull run, in the bull ring. Everyone runs in and baby bulls are let loose on the crowd to reck havok. Thier horns are corked, but it still doesnt stop them causing some bruises to stupid Aussies who taunt it.

This is the Muscle bar, in which stupid aussies jump off the top of this statue when they are really drunk, into the arms of the crowd below. Every year someone dies, and the same happened this year. I saw the guy die too. PS It wasnt this guy

This is the muscle bar again, another stupid idiot jumping from even higher. Can you see why its so dangerous??

And here comes the ambulance to the muscle bar to attend to the injured. Every half hour it makes its way through the crowd because someones in trouble...

These are my three surrogate sisters! Bella (NZ), Erin (Can) and Andrea (Can) were my bestest friends in Barcelona. These girls took great care of me and we had a great time. They got me out of some certain situations that i put myself in!

This is Ahmed (US), the coolest rad dude i met in Valencia, who travelled with me to Pamplona. He was f'kn hilarious as he acted like a total American! Anyways, we area fully suited up here on our way to Pamps! See what i carry around everyday on my back. There are some sacrafices for travelling!

This was our accommodation in Pamplona. It was fun though, a huge party atmospheras about 500 Aussies, Kiwis and Saffas come from Lonodn to get some action.

Here is Ahmed and I in the middle of some random Aussies during Pamplona. This is the outfit that everyone wears during the festival. Its looks awesome, excpet for all the Sangria stains. But thats part of the fun!

We drink Sangria from little sacks. Its was great, no need to carry around a bottle. Can't wait to use it back in OZ in the clubs.

Me, my sisters and some random guy who i am sure wasn't there when we took the photo. This is just a typical night in Pamplona!

Jason, Erin, me and Andrea in Pamplona. Jason is a cool surfer dude who liked to get pissed. He's an aussie of course

OK, this is me and a hot chick ( i know, can you believe it?). You see, i got really smashed this night and lost everyone so i crawled back to the bus that takes us back to camp. I got on, fell asleep in the chair and then woke up to this girl tapping me on the shoulder (whilst MJ pumped on the radio). Well to my surpise this girl was the one Ahmed and I thought was the hottest in the camp and so i was very suprised when i wake up to her face. Anyway, don't recall much, except that we were dancing on the bus and i guess i took a photo!

This is a typical bullfight in Spain.

And again, tormenting the bull ....

This is the end of the Running of the bulls where everyone who ran is put into the ring and smaller bulls are released into the crowd just for laughs. And there were many!

This is Shannon (or Shazza) from Perth. We had a great time drinking Sangria and acting like nobs. She's got a wicked sense of humour and somewhat a tad crazy. Maybe you'll meet her in the future?

More Sangria squirting in Pamlona. Those little sacks were great fun!

Ahmed and I partying in Pamplona after the opening festival

This is us again, but before the opening ceremony so we are just getting used to the idea of getting champagne,wine, eggs, flour, sangrai etc thrown all over us.

This is just some random guys who are getting into the whole food fight thing. They were messed up!

This is San Sebastain, just 1 hour from Pamplona and on the coast. It is such a beautiful place. A highlight of spain. Had a sunset picnic on the top of the tower on the top of the hill in the background. It was truely magical!

This is me and Matt (a really great friend i made in San Sebastian, except hes S. African). This was our huge night out where we got way too pissed and i thought in true Stevo style i will take my shirt off and use my sandals as a headphone. I was mixing it up all night long and the Spanish had no idea what i was doing! This was one of my funnest nights out in the whole trip!

Here is Matt, I and my surrogate sisters (yes, i kept running into them everywhere!!) In the background was a really annoying Aussie chick. She stalked me for a while.

This is me in my jocks on Barcelona beach. I thought, "hey if the Europeans can do it, so can I!" I saw girls checking out my package!

Pl. Riena in Barcelona. A very pretty place, but at night everyone congregates here to drink and socialise.

Me, Gazza and Matt posing in Salamanca. Lots of American girls here studying. Its a college town that meant the drinks were super cheap! Beautful city too as you can see.

Matt and I bought the same singlets as they were cheap. So we took a photo.

Matt and I went out for dinner and dancing with some great German girls. They were so much fun and even kept us on our toes.

This is me at the Alumbra in Granada. Its an old Morrish palace and was absolutely beautiful. I have tentively planned my wedding here - pending the location of my wife-to-be.


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