Miss Canada
Solo Aussie

Spain 101

Morocco 101

Morocco 102 and Spain 102

Miss Canada


The Canadian Beauty


Joanna Harries

Everyone, this is the beautiful Canadian girl , Joanna, whom i have raved on about since the day i met her (on my birthday in fact!). Here she is, in all here glory. She i so gorgeous and i bet you are all saying "How the hell did you manage that?!" Truthfully, not too sure, but all i know is that ever since i met her, something felt amasing.

History: We met in Santorini in Greece on the 4th September. Jo and her friend were staying down the hall in our "hotel" and her friend, Krissy - another great Canadian girl - invited me and a friend over to play cards. Well, after getting my butt kicked in Asshole, we decided to hit the nightlife. We had some drinks, cut up the dance floor and once midnight clicked over it was officially my birthday. We spent the night chatting and dancing and she made my birthday really great. An amasing connection formed that night and I could tell we would be great friends.  We parted the next day, but made plans to possibly meet again in Corfu.

Well, as it turned out, an email a week later lead to us meeting up in Corfu, and of all places the Pink Palace - if you don't know about the Pink Palace, then go travelling! We spent a few days there together and then moved onto Croatia. We had a really amasing time together travelling from Greece to Croatia via Italy. During that time our friendship grew stronger.

After a week in Croatia together, Jo and Krissy had to move on to Italy and France, whilst i was making my way to Germany for Oktoberfest. We said goodbye, but after inviting her repeatly to travel with me for longer, Jo said she wanted to see me again in Munich. To my suprise, a few days later i got the email that said she had changed her flight and was coming to meet me in Munich.

We spent Oktoberfest together and had a really wonderful time on our own. We both, however, were sad that someone we cared for was soon to be so far away. After a great few days together we had a very emotional goodbye, but promised each other that we would meet up again sometime. I do hope it happens.

She is currently working for Unilever (they promote just about everything in the world) in the brand marketing section. She is a very smart girl and is set to go along way. She is a very motivated person and a great career woman. She is really great with people and makes friends very easily. She loves to dance (nearly as good as me, and she does have some killer spin moves), and she can drink with the best of them.

We still stay in contact via email and the phone, but its just not enough. I just have to convince here to come over to Perth sometime soon - or perhaps i head to Canada???

So thats Jo, and thats the story of how i met such a wonderful girl. Sometimes, the best part of travelling is not the amasing places you see, or the great souveniers you buy, but the unforgettable people you meet and the special bonds you form.